Review of Movie True Justice Bryan Stevensons Fight for Equality

True Justice: Bryan Stevenson's Fight for Equality (2019) Poster

9 /ten

Remarkable, Important

The rating path for this film volition certainly speak to the subject of the film.

Very touching, moving and well made. Manages what politics doesn't, to give new life to a very erstwhile narrative.

Thank y'all, Bryan.

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ten /ten

America could learn a lot from Germany

Bryan Stevenson: There'south a history of untold cruelty that hides in silence in this country. This documentary was a little hard to watch simply it might assistance some empathise the need to treat mass incarceration as an urgent human rights issue. And nosotros could learn a lot from Germany if we truly wanted to modify. Considering of their history of concentration camps, Federal republic of germany outlawed the death penalization. They think information technology's unconscionable with that history of killing people to ever once again have land-sanctioned killing. They paid reparations to State of israel and made many attempts (still do!) to reconcile with their victims. For doing that, Germany has prospered economically, fostered a culture of fairness and is one of or the near respected countries in Europe.

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10 /x

until America acknowledges this, will Always be a stain

All of my friends should watch this. The absolute ongoing animalistic manner that they treated people, and to this day withal commit atrocities on some level. Mass incarceration, caitiff sentencing, unfair housing practices, sabotaging careers, it never stops. Just awful. Imagine this existence done to you lot and your loved ones, and having to withal make it through life.

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9 /10

"Just Mercy" vs. "True Justice": and the winner is...

"True Justice: Bryan Stevenson's Fight for Equality" (2019 release; 101 min.) is a documentary about Bryan Stevenson's life and work. As the movie opens, we are at the "US Supreme Court, October, 2018" where Stevenson is arguing withal another death row inmate case. The movie and so shifts and we have Stevenson addressing the camera, equally he talks about an early youth memory, describing an incident when he and his sister jump in the pool at a Disney World hotel, and anybody else (all white) leaves the pool angrily. "What is wrong?" asks young Bryan. "YOU are wrong" responds a guy (adding the N word for good mensurate). The picture show then jumps to "Montgomery, Alabama" in the mid-80s when recent Harvard Police force graduate Stevenson arrives there. He starts the Equal Justice Initiative on a wing and a prayer, determined to assist decease row inmates unjustly convicted... At this point we are less than xv min. into the film.

Couple of comments: this is the latest picture show from the Kunhardt brothers ("King In the Wilderness", "John McCain: For Whom the Bell Tolls"). Hither they shine the limelight on longtime activist Bryan Stevenson, who against all odds establishes his social justice law practice in the most hostile of places, Montgomery, AL, with its illustrious history of systemic racism and bigotry. For much of the flick, Stevenson brings the story of how this country (up to and including the Supreme Court) allowed slavery, then public lynching, and then legal lynching. "The N won the Civil War, but the South won the narrative war" observes Stevenson, and it'southward difficult to contend with that. And simply when you think that there isn't a glimmer of hope for social equality, Stevenson and his colleagues at the Equal Justice Initiative manage to alter the legal mural, somewhat. The picture show follows in item the instance of McMillan, wrongly convicted of killing a white woman in the 80s. Y'all may remember that also last year, there was a moving-picture show called "Only Mercy" (based on the Stevenson memoir of the same name, and starring Michael B. Jordan and Jamie Foxx). The picture show was well intended just dreadfully uneven. And so if there is a contest betwixt the documentary "True Justice" and the film "Just Mercy" every bit to which i is the better, it's not shut, non even by a mile or ii: "Truthful Justice" brings true justice as to the life and work and legacy of Bryan Stevenson. The documentary takes on even greater importance in this day and historic period of George Floyd and the massive reaction in this country, enervating racial justice and a end to police brutality.

I saw "Just Mercy" in the theater, just somehow missed "True Justice" when information technology premiered on HBO final year. Thankfully I now caught it on HBO On Demand. If you have any involvement in the issue of race relations and social injustice in this country, RUN, don't walk, and see this documentary. I am quite certain that you will agree with me this is a must-see film, period.

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10 /10

Hopefully this doc becomes school curriculum

This documentary tells in a cohesive, thoughtful and intelligent way, how and why injustices from the past are notwithstanding nowadays today. An of import documentary that I know I volition watch once again and again.

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